Reference # *
Date *
Verified by *
Rep name *
Subscriber Name *
D.O.B *
Patient Name *
Insurance Info: Insurance Company *
Phone # *
Group # *
Employer *
Effective Date *
Max $*
Remaining Max $ *
Plan Type *
Payor ID # *
Preventive %*
Basic % *
Major % *
Ind. Ded. $ *
Met *YesNo
Fam. Ded. $ *
Is Deductable waived on Preventive? *YesNo
Frequencies *AnytimeTo The DayTo The Month
Exams *
Lim. Exams (shares/addt'll/sep) *
BW *
PA's *
Prophy (shares/addt'll/sep)*
Perio *
HX Req? *YesNo
FM Debridement(4355) *
SRP(4341) *
Can all 4 quads be done the same day? *YesNo
Age Limit *
How soon after SRP can PT and Perio or Prophy? *
Arestin(4381) *
How many teeth/quads? *
Pocket Depth *
SRP HX Req*YesNo
Fluoride/Varnish *
Sealants *
Age Limit*
Nightguard(9944) *
Fills *
Covered or Downgraded *CoveredDowngraded
Nightguard(9945) *
Replacement Limitation on PFM, BB, DENT *
Paid on *PrepSeat
Ortho Coverage *YesNo
Lifetime Max $*
HX *
Exams (0150,0140) *
Prophy *
LR *
LL *
UL *
NG *
Fluoride *
PFM's *
Other HX*