What is IVE?

Integrated Virtual Employee, or IVE, is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing workforce and play a critical role on your team. Powered by Gobro Web Services, IVEs interact with your office through a physical robot, allowing them to virtually work alongside their in-person colleagues. IVEs are highly trained, full-time virtual assistants who can meet and exceed standard employment requirements at a lower overall cost.

If you’re interested, we offer three tiers for you to choose from. Each tier is designed to cater to different needs and requirements, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your business. Whether you’re a small startup looking to establish your online presence or a large enterprise seeking advanced features and scalability, we have a tier that suits your specific goals. With our versatile options, you can select the tier that aligns best with your budget and desired level of service. So take a look at our offerings and discover the ideal solution for your business today.

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This service is powered by Gobro Web Services, Inc.